Turf Stabilization Grid
Conwed™ Netting for Turf Guard is an extruded polyethylene mesh used to combat surface wear and make green areas accessible for pedestrians and light vehicles.
Conwed™ Netting for Turf Guard is an extruded polyethylene mesh that is tough, flexible, long-lasting, and suitable for occasional access on stable ground. It can be laid on existing grass areas, or seed can be sown over the netting. As the grass develops, the plants intertwine with the soil stabilization grid to provide a completely natural appearance and permanent protection against wear.
Soil Stabilizing Benefits:
- Reduced grass wear
- Easy installation
- Suitable for new and existing areas
- Helps prevent surface erosion
- Provides ideal source control for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)
Suitability & Applications:
- Parkland and walkway areas
- Grass verges
- Occasional access roads
- Taxiways for light aircraft
- Occasional access routes for light vehicles
- Pedestrian access route