Did you know that manufacturers often use Conwed™ Netting in various industries such as wind energy, aircraft, automotive, and marine to create composite materials? A composite is the combination of two materials, resin and fibers, that make them stronger together than apart. Composites are typically designed with a particular use in mind, such as added strength, efficiency or durability, but can also be used to significantly reduce weight and increase durability, heat resistance, and conductivity. 

The composite material, while retaining its lightness, durability, and wear resistance, enhances functionality. 

Alex Martinez, Regional Sales Manager for Conwed shares some examples of how this works, “For instance, these composites play a crucial role in reducing the weight of an aircraft or car, leading to less fuel consumption and lower carbon emissions. The wind energy sector leverages these materials to manufacture blades, thereby reducing the use of fossil fuels.” 

Conwed™ Flow Media stands out in the resin infusion process for producing wind turbine Nacelles, wind blades, and marine applications. This high-performance flow media, engineered to retain up to 15% less resin than leading technology, translates into significant raw material cost savings for composite manufacturers, setting it apart from other technologies in the market.

Our flow media offers many advantages, such as total cost savings, flexible edges, proven and tested engineering, quality certifications, and faster lead times through global manufacturing processes. In fact, composite manufacturers who use Conwed’s high-performance flow media can retain up to 15% less resin than leading technology and generate significant raw material cost savings. 

Learn more about our Conwed™ Flow Media: